Blogging Blogging
lim peh ka li kong
Have been writing in this blog for 4 over years and lim peh can sum up the following points:
1) The most du-lan thing in blogging is when some chia-bah-bo-sai-pang 吃饱没屎放的鸟人 impersonating you going around leaving stupid comments.
Someone told me it's really an honour if some idiot wants to impersonate you cos that shows you are somewhat "famous".
Eh, ladies and gentlemen, this type of honour lim peh bo ai la, to all the imposters out there, 凸凸 to you!
2) Another du-lan thing in blogging is when some lazy bums who refuse to write their own articles and start to highlight, right click, copy and paste your posts in their blogs and take them as their very own writings. Hello, plagiarism must not be encouraged.
If you really like an article written by someone, just make sure to acknowledge it in your blog la, a copycat plagiarist is totally unacceptable. 诸位,版权所有啊,嗯。
3) With the aid of statcounter, lim peh is able to see and track who and where my visitors are coming from. Many times, lim peh will repay a visit to their blogs when I see that they visited my blog but sometimes, lim peh got quite pek-chek because when lim peh tried to go into the visitors' blogs, they are only opened to invited guests only, duh! (Someone at a corner la; elephanthan la; and many many more). Though I can't access into your blog, lim peh still welcome you here.
4) Most of us know that the number of comments left in our blog is probably just the tip of the iceburg.
走的比逛的多,逛的比看的多,看的比留言的多。Yes, lim peh is referring to YOU, YOU, YOU and YOU! 就是你,你,你还有你。
Although we know writing blog is very personal, bloggers like us will definitely love to see more comments, at least for lim peh. So, 识 do la hor?!
lim peh kong wan liao
Have been writing in this blog for 4 over years and lim peh can sum up the following points:
1) The most du-lan thing in blogging is when some chia-bah-bo-sai-pang 吃饱没屎放的鸟人 impersonating you going around leaving stupid comments.
Someone told me it's really an honour if some idiot wants to impersonate you cos that shows you are somewhat "famous".
Eh, ladies and gentlemen, this type of honour lim peh bo ai la, to all the imposters out there, 凸凸 to you!
2) Another du-lan thing in blogging is when some lazy bums who refuse to write their own articles and start to highlight, right click, copy and paste your posts in their blogs and take them as their very own writings. Hello, plagiarism must not be encouraged.
If you really like an article written by someone, just make sure to acknowledge it in your blog la, a copycat plagiarist is totally unacceptable. 诸位,版权所有啊,嗯。
3) With the aid of statcounter, lim peh is able to see and track who and where my visitors are coming from. Many times, lim peh will repay a visit to their blogs when I see that they visited my blog but sometimes, lim peh got quite pek-chek because when lim peh tried to go into the visitors' blogs, they are only opened to invited guests only, duh! (Someone at a corner la; elephanthan la; and many many more). Though I can't access into your blog, lim peh still welcome you here.
4) Most of us know that the number of comments left in our blog is probably just the tip of the iceburg.
走的比逛的多,逛的比看的多,看的比留言的多。Yes, lim peh is referring to YOU, YOU, YOU and YOU! 就是你,你,你还有你。
Although we know writing blog is very personal, bloggers like us will definitely love to see more comments, at least for lim peh. So, 识 do la hor?!
lim peh kong wan liao
At Tuesday, December 15, 2009 11:54:00 AM ,
蓝玫瑰Emily said...
merry xmas to u and family, mr.Lim
At Tuesday, December 15, 2009 1:20:00 PM ,
Corinne said...
哈哈哈, sik do liao la! ok ok i admit i am one of the lazy visitors who always read blog through google reader only. haha.
At Tuesday, December 15, 2009 2:59:00 PM ,
Shingo T said...
Well put. Having comments to read is like telling me that I'm not writing for myself to read only.
At Tuesday, December 15, 2009 3:14:00 PM ,
新怡 said...
At Tuesday, December 15, 2009 3:54:00 PM ,
STUMPBO said...
Haha, when lim peh ka li kong, must make sure tiah ho ho (listen carefully), else wait kena invited to lim kopi. :D
At Tuesday, December 15, 2009 9:39:00 PM ,
mrdes said...
I can see this post is straight from your heart...agreed that it can become quite pek-chek with blogs opened only to invited guests...
At Tuesday, December 15, 2009 9:42:00 PM ,
The Bimbo said...
haha Lao Beng.. sometimes those anonymous comments left by bo-ji people can be quite entertaining... :)
At Tuesday, December 15, 2009 9:44:00 PM ,
FML said...
As requested, added "MORE COMMENTS!"
song bo? hehehehehe ...
At Tuesday, December 15, 2009 10:48:00 PM ,
Sunflower said...
There goes my comment for this post!
Ho Ho Ho!!!
At Tuesday, December 15, 2009 11:33:00 PM ,
harriet aka 晴 said...
I got you !
I admited also, i am sometime quite lazy to leave comment unless lao niang really in good mood or bad mood....hehehe...
But for your sake, i si si pun ai leave comment after read tis article. 够意思吧?
At Wednesday, December 16, 2009 12:28:00 PM ,
Anonymous said...
Hi Mr Lim Peh,
Always enjoyed yr blog and apologies for not leaving any comment! :) Now you know u have alot of "fans!!" :)
Merry Xmas!
At Wednesday, December 16, 2009 2:23:00 PM ,
(T) (H) (B) said...
THB PUT 2 HANDS AND LEG UP IN AGREEMENT. Sai one lor esp those who plagarise. Copy and paste save so much time. Now k-blog in fashion.
At Wednesday, December 16, 2009 10:25:00 PM ,
levynn said...
eh, uncle beng... really got people copy your blog ah? who?? where??? i kpo wan to see... hehe...
At Thursday, December 17, 2009 8:39:00 AM ,
melmel said...
Uncle Beng,
ok i admit i come here read EVERYDAY but not leaving much comments.
I like ur articles and just wonder if one day u gone bored with blogging, maybe i'll have to sing:
Ru Guo Mei You Ni..Ri Zi Zen Me Guo..( A very old song from 'Bai Guang')
p/s: Count me in if u wanna organize a fanspage in FB.
At Thursday, December 17, 2009 9:05:00 AM ,
mE said...
Mr Lau Beng!
Here's the comment you wan ah!
Merry xmas hor!
At Thursday, December 17, 2009 9:44:00 AM ,
noeyesee said...
ya uncle beng u r right
really cant stand those cb lj pple who copy yr articles without any sense of pai-seh-ness
stealing article is as bad as stealing others' wives
At Thursday, December 17, 2009 1:28:00 PM ,
Anonymous said...
At Friday, December 18, 2009 10:45:00 AM ,
Old Beng said...
Thank you and Merry X'mas to you too.
Kam siah for your sek do, please continue to do more.
Shingo T
Yes indeed, unless we are writing diary then we do not need other's comments.
Noted your noted.
Yup but it will be better if you buy me kopi / teh instead :)
Ha ha, you also faced the same issue, right?
Yeah agreed, sometimes certain comments really made my day.
Song la, song song gao Jurong :)))
Ha ha ha, thank you.
Harriet aka 晴
够,够,够意思 kam siah you.
Thank you and Merry Xmas to you too. Btw, you have blog to share?
Guess we can't never stop those plagiarists.
Got got, but after I left some comments there, the bloggers finally acknowledged the source but my post was not referring to myself but in general.
Eh... your 日子 before reading my blog 怎么过, now 就怎么过lor but I still want to thank you for reading my blog.
Fanspage in FB? What's that? Me very shy one, don't want la.
Merry Xmas to you too.
Stealing whatever thing also bad la, lol
At Friday, December 18, 2009 5:57:00 PM ,
Maomie said...
kekekeke...can see you are a very 用心blogger! Jia you jia you!!
At Tuesday, December 22, 2009 9:10:00 AM ,
Old Beng said...
Yeah, lim peh like to write lor :)
At Sunday, January 24, 2010 2:51:00 PM ,
Anonymous said...
Ya, i enjoy reading ur blog too. Keep up the good works...... :))
At Monday, January 25, 2010 12:29:00 PM ,
Old Beng said...
Thanks and pls leave a name or initial at least.
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