Comments Comments
lim peh ka li kong
Apart from enjoying to write my blog, me enjoy very much on the
comments posted by friends.
Share some of the interesting comments posted by friends with you
and my views:-
By Qin Shi Huang on 情之为物
写的不错,well done…
* It seems like decades since Lau Qin last left a comment.喂!
By Ling n Pebble on Yin Yang Eyes
Mr Lim, I'm not afraid of ghost, I'm afraid of beasts..gossipers..
vicious pple..but sometimes I do get afraid of myself tho,
especially when I'm having my white facial mask on.
* Ling is still addressing me as Mr Lim cos she thought my name
is "Lim peh kong wan liao"*
By Angeline7030 on Yin Yang Eyes
What is Yin Yang Eyes? Me only got make up eyes with curled eye
lashes, see no ghost, hear no evil, speak no nonsense, eat no
rubbish, play no dirty.
Ghost is nothing other than born from humans.
Fear none my beloved brethens, for there is always an 666 Angel
* Angeline is a real humorous gal and me have had many many
memories of her during our YMB time, she has also gone missing
in action...*
By Xorpheus on The Boss And Me
Can I add in a bit cos I found this, in one of the email
Title: IF…
If a barber makes a mistake, it is a new style
If a driver makes a mistake, it is an accident
If a doctor makes a mistake, it is an operation
If parents make a mistake, it is a new generation
If a politician makes a mistake, it is a new law
If a scientist makes a mistake, it is a new invention
If a tailor makes a mistake, it is a new fashion
If a teacher makes a mistake, it is a new theory
If YOU Boss makes a mistake, it is YOUR MISTAKE
What a fucked up theory
* Xorpheus has always been a very nice and friendly chap
and his blog is always interesting to read with his short and
to the point postings *
By Ipromise on The Boss And Me
Believe it or not, I humiliate my boss (only on the tennis
court) Other times, I just have to press my “you know what”
and bear it
* One of the best joker I’ve known, his comment is always
able to make me laugh. Too bad that he is currently in China
and not able to access to blogs *
By No Eyes See See on Old Beng and Lucky Draws
12 children and living in HDB and earning less than 2K and
working as an office boy? Ha ha don’t bluf la but your story
is funny especially the Q&A part on sex.
* A young man with his unique way of penning down his
thoughts, something too subjective to comment on his style
of writing *
By Spinnee on The Lift
ahahahaha buatahan…. Nice post about lifts!!!
if anyone stands too near me, I sure elbow them one…wahaha
* Spinnee’s blog is one of the earliest blog me visited
and am still visiting daily. *
By Spinnee on 把情感收藏起来
When talk about 情,no one is in the wrong.
Since 情 is not wrong, den the principle/moral ethics kick
in to judge whether a person’s right or not.
My comment: It’s just that, pple always meet at right time
and love at wrong time
* Spinnee’s views are always different from others but
are always logical and rational, right to the point *
By Xishi on The Lift
I m like the lift lady
Always stand near to the lift buttons
And will ask which floor pple wan to go too
Ha ha I m too helpful :p
* Xishi is efficient both in English and Chinese, a real
开心果, I must say*
By Du Gu Wu Ti on 孤枕难入梦
sigh…!! Long time didn’t read this type of phase liao.
Sad stories always happen n I faced some b4 too!
Anyway just remember tomorrow will be a better day!!
* This Du gu wu ti does not have a blog (or maybe
he has with another name) and he has not left any
comment for a long time, hello, where you?? *
By Monkichi on 孤枕难入梦
* Monkichi has the ability to write good Chinese
but lately her blog seems to have stopped, 几时能再阅
By Yan Tau Kia on Old Beng: A Pseudonym
Anyway nice reading your blog, keep it up.
Sometimes we need to hide our identity to relieve our
work/family comitment “stress”
* Although this Yan Tau Kia has not been leaving comment,
me know he has been reading my blog cos he is a mutual
friend of me and Lau Hero *
By Jiji on Trip to Madrid and Paris
wow…cool pictures!!! I wanna go these 2 countires.
Old beng, u got 艳遇or not? , Ur size so macho, sure got
many red hair ladies tackle u
* Have known Jiji (cyberly of course) since YMB time
and her postings in YMB had raised many eyebrows. A hyper
talented gal who speaks English, Mandarin, Japanese and
even Spanish. Too bad she has stopped wrting her blog *
By Michael Chua on The Ways To Win A Woman’s Heart
yes I always wonder why beautiful women end up with plain
looking men. I myself am an example not that my wife is
drop-dead gorgeous and I very ugly. It’s just that she is
better looking than me.
* Mike has been an avid blogger who writes almost everyday
and the substance of his posts always makes me agree fully
with his opinions and views. You have not read any of his
posts? Go now cos you don’t know what you have been missing.*
By Michael Chua on 把情感收藏起来
* 哇捞,这个米糕还是个bilingual man, 佩服 *
By Emiriyo on 共勉之
Actually that’s quite true, things beyond our control we
should learn to let go… maximize our energy on things that
can yearn better results.
But bloody hell I’m those “cannot die” type! The more I
couldn’t get the more I want…
It’s until the very last moment then I Kum Wan to give up…
Hey, never try you’ll never know.
* As much as me like his ways of putting words together,
me still cannot tahan his icon picture representing him *
By Mama Dewi on A Poem From A Friend
beng & ling, thanks for the memories..and till now I can still
remember ever being in yr dream too, wif kakzar n lovelybeauty…
ling, indeed beng had brought those sparkling stars to all!!
* Dewi has been a long time friend too from YMB and she has
a fantastic blog although some of the posts me cannot
understand cos they were written in Malay (eh.. just like she
cannot understand mine when they were written in Chinese, ha ha)*
By Elydia on Are You Getting Old
Uncle Beng… I nag a lot too leh…plus my short term memory
I think worst than u…(seriously suspect something wrong
with my head).
Age is not a metter..what's important is always can see u
laugh like laughing buddha..kekekeke...
* A young gal who likes to mix and talk to old man
like Old Beng but no she is definitely no 小妹妹思想。She has,
in fact, a very matured thinking and a kind heart.*
By Dandan on 14 February, 2006
So sweet, my ideal celebration for valentine day! Cook at
home! Sooo wine
* A 感性 gal with writing talent, both in English and
Chinese though at times she is led by her moods and rather
By 一只熊 on Me And My Big Mouth
* 一只熊的留言总是令老明我惊讶、感叹、措手不及却又拿她没折,
By 阿恺 on 最。。。/对联
女人对男人: 你从来没有给过我高潮。
* 阅读阿恺的blog 并不很久,但她那淡淡的、清幽的文采是吸引着我
By SGB on 最。。。/对联
* SGB 的文笔素质 – 高、精、好、妙、狂、赞。*
By Lau Hero on 念旧
毫不虚伪。 然而,有时真看得我一头雾水,不禁妈妈声一番,他的文
By Hiao Auntie on Girl Girl
hahaha akina nakamori 中森明菜 you all still remember ah? Red
and white japan song festival she was hot favourite at one time…
I still remember one of the years’ song festival, she injured
herself but still turn up for the concert with long sleeve and
she swung her right arm round and round and her legs hardly
moving cos of injuries…”watashi kara sayonara shinakereba, kono
koi wa, owara nai no ne…” I still remember the song…I used to
tie my hair up high high like akina and my frens look at it and
point -> akina
* Hiao Aunty has been a gal who can write well though sometimes
she tends to pretend to be what she is not but who cares cos me
also not too Beng at times.*
There are many many more friends who had left comments in my blog,
Fireburn, Dukester, Miaka, Blueapple, The Royal Blood, ahbeng_chao,
Bored Dad, 枭燕子, Tracy, Kurakut, Sunflower, Shiakha..., but me just
cannot go on an on and on.
Want to read their interesting comments?
Go read my blog again la :)
lim peh kong wan liao
Apart from enjoying to write my blog, me enjoy very much on the
comments posted by friends.
Share some of the interesting comments posted by friends with you
and my views:-
By Qin Shi Huang on 情之为物
写的不错,well done…
* It seems like decades since Lau Qin last left a comment.喂!
By Ling n Pebble on Yin Yang Eyes
Mr Lim, I'm not afraid of ghost, I'm afraid of beasts..gossipers..
vicious pple..but sometimes I do get afraid of myself tho,
especially when I'm having my white facial mask on.
* Ling is still addressing me as Mr Lim cos she thought my name
is "Lim peh kong wan liao"*
By Angeline7030 on Yin Yang Eyes
What is Yin Yang Eyes? Me only got make up eyes with curled eye
lashes, see no ghost, hear no evil, speak no nonsense, eat no
rubbish, play no dirty.
Ghost is nothing other than born from humans.
Fear none my beloved brethens, for there is always an 666 Angel
* Angeline is a real humorous gal and me have had many many
memories of her during our YMB time, she has also gone missing
in action...*
By Xorpheus on The Boss And Me
Can I add in a bit cos I found this, in one of the email
Title: IF…
If a barber makes a mistake, it is a new style
If a driver makes a mistake, it is an accident
If a doctor makes a mistake, it is an operation
If parents make a mistake, it is a new generation
If a politician makes a mistake, it is a new law
If a scientist makes a mistake, it is a new invention
If a tailor makes a mistake, it is a new fashion
If a teacher makes a mistake, it is a new theory
If YOU Boss makes a mistake, it is YOUR MISTAKE
What a fucked up theory
* Xorpheus has always been a very nice and friendly chap
and his blog is always interesting to read with his short and
to the point postings *
By Ipromise on The Boss And Me
Believe it or not, I humiliate my boss (only on the tennis
court) Other times, I just have to press my “you know what”
and bear it
* One of the best joker I’ve known, his comment is always
able to make me laugh. Too bad that he is currently in China
and not able to access to blogs *
By No Eyes See See on Old Beng and Lucky Draws
12 children and living in HDB and earning less than 2K and
working as an office boy? Ha ha don’t bluf la but your story
is funny especially the Q&A part on sex.
* A young man with his unique way of penning down his
thoughts, something too subjective to comment on his style
of writing *
By Spinnee on The Lift
ahahahaha buatahan…. Nice post about lifts!!!
if anyone stands too near me, I sure elbow them one…wahaha
* Spinnee’s blog is one of the earliest blog me visited
and am still visiting daily. *
By Spinnee on 把情感收藏起来
When talk about 情,no one is in the wrong.
Since 情 is not wrong, den the principle/moral ethics kick
in to judge whether a person’s right or not.
My comment: It’s just that, pple always meet at right time
and love at wrong time
* Spinnee’s views are always different from others but
are always logical and rational, right to the point *
By Xishi on The Lift
I m like the lift lady
Always stand near to the lift buttons
And will ask which floor pple wan to go too
Ha ha I m too helpful :p
* Xishi is efficient both in English and Chinese, a real
开心果, I must say*
By Du Gu Wu Ti on 孤枕难入梦
sigh…!! Long time didn’t read this type of phase liao.
Sad stories always happen n I faced some b4 too!
Anyway just remember tomorrow will be a better day!!
* This Du gu wu ti does not have a blog (or maybe
he has with another name) and he has not left any
comment for a long time, hello, where you?? *
By Monkichi on 孤枕难入梦
* Monkichi has the ability to write good Chinese
but lately her blog seems to have stopped, 几时能再阅
By Yan Tau Kia on Old Beng: A Pseudonym
Anyway nice reading your blog, keep it up.
Sometimes we need to hide our identity to relieve our
work/family comitment “stress”
* Although this Yan Tau Kia has not been leaving comment,
me know he has been reading my blog cos he is a mutual
friend of me and Lau Hero *
By Jiji on Trip to Madrid and Paris
wow…cool pictures!!! I wanna go these 2 countires.
Old beng, u got 艳遇or not? , Ur size so macho, sure got
many red hair ladies tackle u
* Have known Jiji (cyberly of course) since YMB time
and her postings in YMB had raised many eyebrows. A hyper
talented gal who speaks English, Mandarin, Japanese and
even Spanish. Too bad she has stopped wrting her blog *
By Michael Chua on The Ways To Win A Woman’s Heart
yes I always wonder why beautiful women end up with plain
looking men. I myself am an example not that my wife is
drop-dead gorgeous and I very ugly. It’s just that she is
better looking than me.
* Mike has been an avid blogger who writes almost everyday
and the substance of his posts always makes me agree fully
with his opinions and views. You have not read any of his
posts? Go now cos you don’t know what you have been missing.*
By Michael Chua on 把情感收藏起来
* 哇捞,这个米糕还是个bilingual man, 佩服 *
By Emiriyo on 共勉之
Actually that’s quite true, things beyond our control we
should learn to let go… maximize our energy on things that
can yearn better results.
But bloody hell I’m those “cannot die” type! The more I
couldn’t get the more I want…
It’s until the very last moment then I Kum Wan to give up…
Hey, never try you’ll never know.
* As much as me like his ways of putting words together,
me still cannot tahan his icon picture representing him *
By Mama Dewi on A Poem From A Friend
beng & ling, thanks for the memories..and till now I can still
remember ever being in yr dream too, wif kakzar n lovelybeauty…
ling, indeed beng had brought those sparkling stars to all!!
* Dewi has been a long time friend too from YMB and she has
a fantastic blog although some of the posts me cannot
understand cos they were written in Malay (eh.. just like she
cannot understand mine when they were written in Chinese, ha ha)*
By Elydia on Are You Getting Old
Uncle Beng… I nag a lot too leh…plus my short term memory
I think worst than u…(seriously suspect something wrong
with my head).
Age is not a metter..what's important is always can see u
laugh like laughing buddha..kekekeke...
* A young gal who likes to mix and talk to old man
like Old Beng but no she is definitely no 小妹妹思想。She has,
in fact, a very matured thinking and a kind heart.*
By Dandan on 14 February, 2006
So sweet, my ideal celebration for valentine day! Cook at
home! Sooo wine
* A 感性 gal with writing talent, both in English and
Chinese though at times she is led by her moods and rather
By 一只熊 on Me And My Big Mouth
* 一只熊的留言总是令老明我惊讶、感叹、措手不及却又拿她没折,
By 阿恺 on 最。。。/对联
女人对男人: 你从来没有给过我高潮。
* 阅读阿恺的blog 并不很久,但她那淡淡的、清幽的文采是吸引着我
By SGB on 最。。。/对联
* SGB 的文笔素质 – 高、精、好、妙、狂、赞。*
By Lau Hero on 念旧
毫不虚伪。 然而,有时真看得我一头雾水,不禁妈妈声一番,他的文
By Hiao Auntie on Girl Girl
hahaha akina nakamori 中森明菜 you all still remember ah? Red
and white japan song festival she was hot favourite at one time…
I still remember one of the years’ song festival, she injured
herself but still turn up for the concert with long sleeve and
she swung her right arm round and round and her legs hardly
moving cos of injuries…”watashi kara sayonara shinakereba, kono
koi wa, owara nai no ne…” I still remember the song…I used to
tie my hair up high high like akina and my frens look at it and
point -> akina
* Hiao Aunty has been a gal who can write well though sometimes
she tends to pretend to be what she is not but who cares cos me
also not too Beng at times.*
There are many many more friends who had left comments in my blog,
Fireburn, Dukester, Miaka, Blueapple, The Royal Blood, ahbeng_chao,
Bored Dad, 枭燕子, Tracy, Kurakut, Sunflower, Shiakha..., but me just
cannot go on an on and on.
Want to read their interesting comments?
Go read my blog again la :)
lim peh kong wan liao
Labels: Bo Liao Only, My World
At Wednesday, May 10, 2006 4:17:00 PM ,
Shaikha said...
What do I do... ?
Now I fell blue...
Beng, bcos of you...
I'm oso your friend...
But where's my comment...?
Maybe not Good Enuf...
As reading Stuff...
But never mind...
Get it off my mind...
I don't really mind...
U r still a virtual friend of mine...
Wat nonsense I write.. no wonder it's not in yr list... hahaha...
At Wednesday, May 10, 2006 4:27:00 PM ,
Old Beng said...
Lau Hero
Ha Ha :)))))
Aiyo, lovelybeauty. You are of course in my list but you only started to leave comments in my blog just recently, in fact you are in my link list.
At Wednesday, May 10, 2006 4:29:00 PM ,
noeyesee said...
ha ha woohoo i m been mentioned in yr list n ya thats my style of writing
At Wednesday, May 10, 2006 11:02:00 PM ,
TheBlurQueen said...
eh lovelybeauty u shld come here often to comment..heheh..ekcoli me oso neber come here often one...anyway beng, so sweet of u to have mentioned my name in ur blog yet so touched but untouchable..ekeke
At Wednesday, May 10, 2006 11:44:00 PM ,
F¡яєвџяN said...
lim pek salute you to the max man...can blog about comments
At Wednesday, May 10, 2006 11:53:00 PM ,
Anonymous said...
At Thursday, May 11, 2006 9:56:00 AM ,
Old Beng said...
No eye see see
Ya, be true to yourself and keep writing
Mama Dewi
You are most welcome
Thanks bro
You are most welcome, dude.
At Thursday, May 11, 2006 10:18:00 AM ,
Anonymous said...
At Thursday, May 11, 2006 10:39:00 AM ,
Old Beng said...
At Thursday, May 11, 2006 10:58:00 AM ,
Anonymous said...
Yo, Beng,
Bo eng lah, busy selling lewlians to tan chiak, where got time to drop lines in your blog. Sometimes, free free, got go your blog to read instead of pak ban at the lewlian stall. Appliciate I am in your thoughts, yu so kind, come and buy lewlians from me leh.
Wah seh, next time you go holiday,can bling me along or not, cos I donch think I can afford, let me count how many lewlians I got to sell to go to Madrid and Barcilona, 1001, 1002, 1003……..
Have chiew will travel
At Thursday, May 11, 2006 11:14:00 AM ,
Anonymous said...
Old Beng,
Very interesting blog,good idea - comments can also be blogged.
Always read your blog when I am free....
At Thursday, May 11, 2006 11:45:00 AM ,
Xorpheus said...
Hahaha...Thks pal for the free ad. ...kekeke
At Thursday, May 11, 2006 5:54:00 PM ,
Old Beng said...
Ha ha, you reappear again. Your comment always makes my day, so funny one, I like :)
Yan Tau Kia
Thank you and BTW do you also visit Lau Hero's blog?
Nothing is free la, buy me a cup of kopi can already.
At Thursday, May 11, 2006 6:06:00 PM ,
dandan...™ said...
wow..feel so honour to haf me in ur list too...
And ya..I really like to blog down every feeling of mine..
I find it a way to relieve my stress..
At Thursday, May 11, 2006 7:38:00 PM ,
Anonymous said...
Hi Mr.Lim,
Thank you for mentioning me in your blog. Been busy lately and hardly in town..psst..busy having fun, hee! Anyway, hope you've received the msg I sent to you this afternoon. Looking forward to having good laughs with you soon. Will let you know once my feet landed. Have a nice and fun evening ya.
Ling ;-)
At Thursday, May 11, 2006 11:22:00 PM ,
Elydia said...
Hee hee... Thanks for mentioning my name... So glad i'm in the list.. kekeke... i can mix with anyone of course cos i'm too chitty chatty... so bo bian lah... if i dun talk i'll die.. so if u see me very quiet something is very very wrong... kekeke... thanks!!
At Thursday, May 11, 2006 11:57:00 PM ,
Anonymous said...
If you need translation... see here
At Friday, May 12, 2006 9:09:00 PM ,
Anonymous said...
halo uncle
thanks for free advertisement.. okie i shall not pretend to be wat i am not anymore... hiao until sian liao... decided to move house...
At Saturday, May 13, 2006 2:43:00 PM ,
blueapple said...
Wah... like that also can.. By the way, the photos taken in Madrid & Barcelona are nice!
At Monday, May 15, 2006 10:48:00 AM ,
Old Beng said...
Yes, blogging is a way to relieve stress, keep ranting but not overdoing it :)
Yes me received your sms but knowing you are not in town, me didn't sms you back. You continue to have your fun.
Think you are quite like Old Beng me hor? Love to talk :p
Hiao Auntie
No problem with the free advertisement. Will visit your new home :)
Madrid and Barcelona are indeed very beautiful and the photos we took cannot justify their real beauty, you have to be there to see their beauty.
At Monday, May 15, 2006 5:54:00 PM ,
Anonymous said...
ahaha. i like the way you say it. sound as if he's your friend. xD
At Monday, May 15, 2006 6:12:00 PM ,
Old Beng said...
Lao Qin is indeed my friend, from the cyber world to the real world.
At Monday, May 15, 2006 6:34:00 PM ,
Anonymous said...
ahh.. i see. lols.
At Tuesday, May 16, 2006 2:05:00 PM ,
sÞ¡ηηєє said...
Guess what Mr Beng.
I wanted to blog about my comments today.. like linked up to my old blog etc..
wahahhahah i swore I first time reading this post :) anyway... great one... so happy leh! Old beng mentioned about me leh! wahhahahaha *dies happily*
At Tuesday, May 16, 2006 3:37:00 PM ,
Old Beng said...
Yes, you should do the comments thing too cos some of the comments in your blog are real solid ones.
At Monday, December 14, 2009 10:34:00 AM ,
Anonymous said...
ehh.. cognitively style )
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