10 Beautiful Girls
Different people have different tastes and views on certain issues. Different men view girl girl as beautiful differently and me was thinking that night, when me couldn´t sleep, what kind of girl girl will be considered as beautiful.
With my eyes closed, my mind wandered far away in a beautiful land with those beautiful girl girl...
1) Shu Qi 舒淇
The first time me saw Shu Qi acting was, ahem, a Category III Hong Kong movie. Though I must say her body was, eh still is, beautiful, I actually like her lips more. I was in fact quite happy when she stopped making Category III movies but kena quite a lot of insults from my hum-sap kakis when I voiced out my view to them.
2) Lee Li Chen 李丽珍 She has a pretty face and innocent cum ignorant look. Half way through her career, she too became the actress in some Category III movies. Stop the smutter, dirty, filthy smile on your face ok!?!? I think she is beautiful in her own unique way, not just her vital stats. Lately she has become rather weird with all the lousy news of her. My impression on her changed drastically but me still think she is pretty.
3) Kuan Zhi Lin 关芝琳 She was once my idol and I really think she was one of the most beautiful lady then. Saw her recently in the papers and though she does look older but she still looks good to me.
4) Zhong Li Ti 钟丽缇 Hmmm, although she is already a mother of one, her sexiness still lingers around her though, like Kuan Zhi Lin, she has somehow aged but gives her a more matured image. Just look at her
body face.
5) Akina 中森明菜 How can I not classify her as a all-time favourite beautiful girl? Although me do not understand a single song she sang but just looking at her was enough to sweep Old Beng off the ground. She was one Goddess to all young men during those good old days.
6) Angelina Jolie She is SEXY, she is HOT, she is BEAUTIFUL. Need I say more?
7) Aishwarya Rai Though I can´t even pronounce her name correctly but boy, she has the most beautiful face I must say. Beauty leaves no border at all.
8) Lin Zhi Lin 林志玲
Pretty face, nice figure plus good EQ = Lin Zhi Lin 林志玲. Her 嗲-ness really makes a lot of "麻甩佬" drool over her.
9) Cecilia Cheung 张柏芝 Many say she resembles Lin Qing Xia 林青霞. To me she is better cos she has the plus point for being young. A very pretty girl indeed.
10) Cha-bo-lang
Of all the girl girl whom me have mentioned, the most beautiful woman in this world to me is still my cha-bo-lang. Of course la, if not how will I want to marry her? (This last one very important, if left out, lim peh ka li kong, sure will have World War III). ^_^"""
lim peh kong wan liao
At Wednesday, November 08, 2006 4:25:00 PM ,
noeyesee said...
舒淇!! i like 舒淇!!!
my 梦中情人 :)))
At Wednesday, November 08, 2006 5:13:00 PM ,
Anonymous said...
My choice has to be 钟丽缇.
Mature, pretty and sexy.
At Wednesday, November 08, 2006 6:44:00 PM ,
Anonymous said...
Why chabolang no photo one?
At Wednesday, November 08, 2006 6:49:00 PM ,
Anonymous said...
Ha ha, looking at the title, I was a little bit worried if you leave out your Cha Bo Lang and quite confident that she must be in the top 10. Otherwise, chiap bei liao loh...
At Wednesday, November 08, 2006 7:52:00 PM ,
Anonymous said...
What about Vivian Hsu????
Put Chabohlang's photo leh!
At Wednesday, November 08, 2006 9:34:00 PM ,
蓝月 said...
all are lovely ladies, i must say. although i adore men, i drool over them as well.
but one thing, can wise old beng please explain to me a little.
林志玲 where got pretty? where got?
At Thursday, November 09, 2006 9:40:00 AM ,
Old Beng said...
No Eye See
Hmmm, I must say, your taste not bad ah, just like hum-sup, eh I mean, good taste Uncle Beng ^_^"""
Lao Hokkien Lang
Yes, 钟丽缇 is definitely my top 3 favourites
A Girl Girl
Cha-bo-lang no photos? Got la, you must be a new reader. Go see my old posts on my trip to Madrid, Paris and Barcelona.
Ha ha ha, how can I not 醒目? If forget, really 吃不完. ^_^"""
Indeed there are many many more, like 俆若萱、周慧敏、李嘉欣 etc etc but these are just my preference.
》》林志玲 where got pretty? where got? where?
Eh.... it´s just my view, furthermore men and women may view differently. BTW, I find my cha-bo-lang beautiful in her own way, may not be because of her "face".
Who are your favourites then?
You know me well, dude. Cecilia pretty hor, me also think so :)
At Friday, November 10, 2006 10:30:00 AM ,
Sunflower said...
It a wise move to put cha bo lang in the list!!!! (evil grin)
I agree your comment on 林志玲, she really got very high EQ, which a lot of woman lack of!
At Friday, November 10, 2006 10:35:00 AM ,
Anonymous said...
In fact, i really think Shu Qi 跟美字扯不上边。Dunno ler, never tot she is pretty & sexy.
Prefer Christine Chung & Cecelia Cheung, also Lin Zhi Ling.
old beng, where is 谢宛瑜?
At Friday, November 10, 2006 10:41:00 AM ,
Old Beng said...
Thanks for the grin =_="""
Hmmm, apparently, many women don´t think 舒淇 is pretty nor sexy but most men do.
谢宛瑜? Ha ha ha ^_^"""
At Tuesday, November 14, 2006 12:34:00 PM ,
yanZzz said...
fiona xie nice meh ?
she looks like a bim w/o brain ..
heng she is not included inside man !
At Wednesday, November 15, 2006 10:19:00 AM ,
Anonymous said...
O-beng-wan, our tastes are pretty similar. The one that still makes me lau nua and not on your list is 周慧敏。She has made a comeback recently. Still looks the same. Amazing !!
At Wednesday, November 15, 2006 11:28:00 AM ,
Old Beng said...
Again, male and female view differently la.
So we are:
Wise minds think alike
Colour wolves share the same view
ha ha ha
At Saturday, November 18, 2006 5:59:00 PM ,
NA said...
周慧敏 and 蘇慧倫 are among my all time favorites.
Recently I noticed that Seto Asake (who played as Naomi Misora in the DeathNote) is stunning too.
At Monday, November 20, 2006 10:20:00 AM ,
Old Beng said...
The 3 babes you mentioned are not in my list, maybe you can write your own 10 beautiful girls in your blog?
At Thursday, December 07, 2006 1:59:00 PM ,
NA said...
Hah! A blog entry on babes? Maybe when I feel like blogging again, I may do so...
Hmmm... I do have a friend who, in my eyes, is very pretty.
And I think many of you will agree with me when you have seen her. ^^
At Monday, June 23, 2008 3:59:00 PM ,
Mockingbird said...
Angelina Jolie has the best combination. Aishwarya Rai does indeed have the most beautiful face among the lot you mentioned. How about Elizabeth Hurley? :D
At Monday, June 23, 2008 4:24:00 PM ,
Old Beng said...
You said: "I think many of you will agree with me when you have seen her"
Woo yah bo? Show photo leh
Elizabeth Hurley is also another pretty woman, how about you do your top 10 girl girl? Must be very interesting.
At Tuesday, July 08, 2008 9:34:00 PM ,
(T) (H) (B) said...
At Wednesday, July 09, 2008 11:59:00 AM ,
Old Beng said...
Yeah, personal preferences.
At Sunday, January 24, 2010 4:22:00 PM ,
Anonymous said...
The best for me? Old time favourite Grace Kelly.... :))
At Monday, January 25, 2010 12:35:00 PM ,
Old Beng said...
Hmmm... she's beautiful and you have quite different taste.
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