lim peh ka li kong 令伯卡你讲

Skill and style of telling stories is as per what you see - Singlish plus Hokkien dialects. Kam siah for coming into my BLOG and read, thank you! All content is copywrite "Old Beng" unless otherwise noted.

Monday, September 29, 2008

Panda Old Beng

lim peh ka li kong

Finally, lim peh got chance to wear my beautiful Sunglasses which I bought from Barcelona, Spain and eh... guess lim peh will be wearing it for at least 1 whole week, rain or shine.

So if you happened to see an old uncle wearing a pair of beautiful Sunglasses even though it may be raining, most likely that old uncle is lim peh.

Why Old Beng so hao-lian and hiao?

Actually, me darn 冤枉 lor.

Yesterday my cha-bo-lang overheard lim peh talking to my friend using my mobile.

"... so if you reach the hotel earlier than I, you book a room first and wait for me to come hor..."

That was when lim peh suddenly saw a 拳头 coming towards my right eye at the speed of a F1 racing car. Talk that time slow, actually very fast. (说时迟, 当时快) lim peh felt a sharp pain on my right eye.

My cha-bo-lang punched me right at my 金城武's eye (same same beautiful eyes) and then it swelled and became a 黑目克.

Now, after my explanation, you know why lim peh have to wear my beautiful Sunglasses from Barcelona...

lim peh kong wan liao

P/s: lim peh was telling my friend Ah Seng to book a karaoke room if he were to reach the hotel earlier than I...
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Thursday, September 25, 2008



Source from Don Lim

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Wednesday, September 24, 2008

True Or False

lim peh ka li kong

Do you think the following statements are true?

The statement which a man loves to hear from his wife/ girlfriend/ partner:
I want...

The statement which a man is afraid to hear from his wife/ girlfriend/ partner:
I still want...

lim peh kong wan liao
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Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Question Answer

lim peh ka li kong

A question for the smart ones:

How do you keep a fool waiting?

lim peh kong wan liao

* At the same time while you are thinking of the question, why not click here to know more about the new CD launching of a good artist? *

Answer: I will tell you tomorrow.
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Monday, September 15, 2008



上回说到俺左携母右带妻一同去参加一个“吃喝玩乐之中秋聚会” 活动,虽然食物一般、游戏so-so但却有个惊喜。

记得当时的活动有大概130 多个人,而大部分是老安娣德高望重的女士。


令伯卡你讲,四周传来那重重stereo 似的轰炸声已经让老明我有点头晕目眩,但那还不是最劲的。当1003电台主持人一开始那赢奖游戏,我的天!那些女士们开始那近疯狂踊跃参与的态度真是令俺大开眼界。




他那首 “没有问题” 竟然能够让我与查某人在那当儿听出耳油,你说我能不惊喜吗?

演唱完毕后,叶敦鸿赠送了他的亲笔签名的单曲CD给我,当然是 “没有问题” 一曲。

叶敦鸿的个人创作专集 “那个疯狂的人” 将会在9月20号面市,有兴趣知道多一点,请点击

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Tuesday, September 09, 2008


有一晚,查某人在一份晚报中知晓有一家餐馆会举办一场“吃喝玩乐之中秋聚会" 活动。此活动是由 “新明” + “1003电台” + “ 月楼海鲜” 连同举办的。

查某人问老明俺可有兴趣与她一同去参加?有得吃,俺当然 ok 啦。

就这样,老明报了三个人的名,在那一个周末,带着我母亲和查某人到 Labrador Park的 “月楼海鲜” 去吃喝玩乐。
十五天 (猜一字)

十个哥哥 (猜一字)

八十一 (猜一字)

兄弟俩差一点就去当兵 (猜一体育字词)


重逢 (猜一字)

举头望明月 (猜一世界地名)


步步高昇 (猜一新加坡地名)


老实说,整个活动对俺来说并不是很理想:食物一般、游戏 so-so 而已、但却有个惊喜。
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Thursday, September 04, 2008


lim peh ka li kong

Today lim peh is going to talk about Cups.

Drinking cups la, not the female A, B, C, D, E, F Cups.

Many many years ago, the Ang-mo and the Chinese had their own type of cups for drinking hot beverages.

The Ang-mo cup

The Chinese Cup

We can see that the Ang-mo's cup has "a holder" at the side so that one can hold the cup even if the beverage in it is hot.

On the other hand, the Chinese cup does not have any holder, that is to say one cannot hold the cup if the beverage in it is too hot.

Does it mean that the Ang-mo is smarter than we Chinese as they are able to make cups with holders?

Of course not!!!

We Chinese are smarter than the Ang-mo.

So why then did we Chinese not make cups with holders? Actually hor, we purposely made cups without holders.

The reason is very simple and of more intelligence:

"If it is too hot for your hand, it is too hot for your lips."

Smart bo?!

Lim peh kong wan liao

Note: Eh... this one me anyhow think anyhow say one, just for fun only and not to be "quoted" at all.
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Tuesday, September 02, 2008









For an Ang-mo version, please click here.
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