lim peh ka li kong 令伯卡你讲

Skill and style of telling stories is as per what you see - Singlish plus Hokkien dialects. Kam siah for coming into my BLOG and read, thank you! All content is copywrite "Old Beng" unless otherwise noted.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009




以一首《I write the songs》掀开序幕,接下来的三首《零时十分》、《星光的背影》和《仍然记得个一次/Moments》更是让人听出耳油。


中间一段林子祥以快歌《美丽小姑娘》、《沙漠小子》、《我要走天涯》、《阿里巴巴》、《成吉思汗》,《海市蜃楼 》让观众们的情绪推向最高点,一些熟女更是疯狂的挤在台前,举手摆动,狂欢起舞。

我一直都对《男儿当自强》这首歌没什么好感,但这一夜林子祥的现场演绎让我发觉原来他的Live 版本还唱得极好。








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Friday, January 16, 2009




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Monday, January 12, 2009

狮城怪谈外一篇 : 极短 10 篇


1. 深夜下班走进无人的电梯,降到一半,长发美女走进来而站到后面去。到底层,门开,绅士的他按着电梯让美女先行,却不见人影。。。

2. 手机响起,号码显示老友来电。老友说 “保重了,朋友” 电话褂了。立刻拨回找老友,却是老友的老婆哭着告知老友刚在3小时前逝世。。。

3. 深夜,一条羊肠小道迎面走来一白衣美女。男士正想欠身让出更多空间给予美女步过,却被她步不止的穿透身体。。。

4. 光头小李是屋子里唯一的屋主,却总在浴室里的地板上看见积满长头发。。。

5. 睡床上层的弟弟这夜去露营没回,躺在下层正要入睡的哥哥却看到上方有人转动身躯,仿佛有人正躺在上方睡觉。。。

6. 某男上了巴士,后半部站满人,只好站在巴士中央处。下一站,一群学生上来,其中一学生问 “为何不往里边移而挡住去路?” 转过头望向原本挤满人的后半部竟然空无一人。。。

7. 一夜,邻居小强敲门求救,哭诉母亲晕倒在家中厨房里。冲进邻居家中,果然见到小强的母亲晕倒在地,呼吸微弱。身旁躺着小强那冰冷已久的小尸体。。。

8. 丈夫爱抽烟,被妻子赶至露台处抽。看到隔壁老陈也在露台处抽烟,两人相对会心一笑。丈夫抽完回到客厅才猛然记起,隔壁老陈已在上个月在医院患癌逝世。。。

9. 三女一夜 K 歌之后,埋单时需还四人份的钱。找经理理论一番后,重看电视录像磁带,看到整夜在厢房里陪着三人的角落处一直静静的坐着一长发女子。。。

10. 半夜被电视声量吵醒,下楼见到小女儿坐在电视机前看电视。正要开口骂她之际,背后听到小女儿的呼叫声。转身惊见到小女儿睡眼惺松站在楼梯口,再回过身,电视机前不再有人。。。




Those who like to read in English may want to click here Incident to read some of my English Ghost stories.
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Thursday, January 08, 2009

10 Contradictions of Singaporeans.

lim peh ka li kong

Lim peh received a funny email about the 10 Contradictions of Singaporeans, share share:

1. Cigarettes - Convenient to buy, not convenient to smoke.

2. Private Cars - Cheaper and Cheaper to buy, harder and harder to Maintain.

3. Translation is needed between Singaporean Chinese and Mainland Chinese.

4. Some Singaporean Chinese use different languages other then Chinese to communicate.

5. Singaporeans don't like to vote, but like to complain.

6. There are quite a few "rich and poor" people in Singapore - They have Car, Credit Card, CPF but no Cash and are liable to lots of loans.

7. Education - Teach Less Learn More.

8. Public Bus - Most toopid Crowd squeezes in front of the Bus, with the second half of the bus carrying Ghost.

9. Day - Cannot wake up; Night - Cannot sleep.

10. Night - Sleep with air-con; Day - Bathe with water-heater on.

lim peh kong wan liao
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Saturday, January 03, 2009

Lau Hero's RA Jokes Again

lim peh ka li kong

Have not been telling you about my friend, Lau Hero's jokes lately, kind of missed him.

Heard of his 2 jokes long time ago, share share with you.

Eh.... RA ones hor, so the minors please skip this post.


The "Old Kampong Poetry Competition" had come down to two finalists:-

An Ang-mo graduate and Lau Hero.

They were given a word, then allowed two minutes to study the word and come up with a poem that contained the word.

The word they were given was "TIMBUKTU".

First to recite his poem was the Ang-mo graduate. He stepped to the microphone and said:

Slowly across the desert sand,
Trekked a lonely caravan
Men on camels two by two
Destination - Timbuktu.

The crowd went crazy! No way could Lau Hero top that, they thought.

Lau Hero calmly made his way to the microphone and recited:

Me and Tim a hunting went
Met three whores in a pop-up tent
They were three, and we were two
So I bucked one, and Timbuktu.

Lau Hero won.


Mrs Lau Hero is at home when she hears someone knock at the door. She goes to the door and opens the door to see a man standing there.

He asks Mrs Lau Hero, "Do you have a vagina?"

Mrs Lau Hero slams the door in disgust.

The next morning she hears a knock at the door and it is the same man and he asks the same question to Mrs Lau Hero, "Do you have a vagina?"

She slams the door again.

Later that night when her husband, Lau Hero gets home she tells him what has happened for the last two days.

Lau Hero tells the wife in a loving and concerned voice, "'Honey, I am taking tomorrow off to be home just in case this guy shows up again."

The next morning they hear a knock at the door and both run for the door. Lau Hero says to his wife in a whispered voice, "Honey, I'm going to hide behind the door and listen and if it is the same guy I want you to answer yes to the question because I want to see where he is going with it."

Mrs Lau Hero nods yes to her husband and opens the door. Sure enough the same fellow is standing there and asks the same question.

"Do you have vagina?"

"Yes" Mrs Lau Hero says.

The man replies, "Good! Would you mind telling your husband to leave my wife alone and start using yours?"


lim peh kong wan liao
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