lim peh ka li kong
lim peh forgot when we went to The Central Shopping Mall for shopping/makan and also forgotten that lim peh had actually filled up a lucky draw form after spending certain amount there.
Last week, I received a phone call from an Organiser, saying that lim peh had been picked as one of the 10 lucky shoppers to participate in the GSS Shopping Spree Contest.
I have to form a group of 3 (anybody will do) and compete with the other 9 groups in the Contest.
Each group will be given S$500 cash and a list of 10 items whereby we have to purchase all 10 items within 30 minutes time-limit.
30 minutes for 10 items = averagely 3 minutes for 1 item. (The Central Shopping Mall has 5 levels from B1 to level 4).
Certain rules were laid for the Contest:-
· All 3 participants in a group must be together to purchase the items in the list – no breaking up in different ways
· All items must be purchased within 30 minutes
· Amount spent must NOT exceed the S$500 given
· Every group will have a Game Assistant attached to ensure that we adhere closely to the rules
The first 3 groups completed in the shortest time and closest spent amount of monies will win more shopping vouchers.
As I have old injury ankle, I knew I can never run fast, thus I summoned my 2 nephews Jia Hao and Jonathan to help me in taking part of the Contest.
When the Contest started, a quick look at the shopping list showed the following items clues:
1) A packet of Japanese Mochi from Basement 1;
2) Something red for the lady as make-up from level 2 or 3;
3) A long-sleeved Shirt for Man;
4) A silver item to match the long-sleeved Shirt;
5) A pair of casual foot-wear;
6) Electronic items which you can use everyday from level 3 or 4;
7) A handbag with a touch of Gold;
8) A funky T-shirt from Level 2 or level 3;
9) Something nice for decoration in the Living Room from level 3 or 4;
10)A cover protector for either the Computer, Camera or the Handphone;
Immediately all 10 groups chiong-ed in all directions.
We wasted quite a fair bit of time searching for item no. (2) and (4). After we completed 8 items, with only items (1) Janpanese mochi and item (6) Electronic item , we had S$330 left. Setting aside $10 for the mochi, we headed straight to Harvey Norman and tried to get something with value closed to $320 and not too bulky cos we needed to run around.
Finally we bought an I-pod for $310 and rushed all the way down from level 4 to B1 to get the mochi.
I lost my 2 nephews completely and when I reached B1, they were nowhere to be seen (yeah, me slow). At last they ran to me and we bought a packet of mochi for $15.90.
After completing all the 10 items, we rushed all the way back to the stage on level 1 to hit the “Gong” only to realize that we were the 6th group to have completed all the 10 items in 26 minutes. The first 2 groups did it in 20 minutes.
2 groups did not make it within 30 minutes but the Organiser let them complete the purchases. (Guess they wanna pleased all participants).
We did not get any extra prizes but we got to keep all the 10 items we purchased. Our total amount spent was S$493.30 but the 1st group spent S$497.00 and they deserved to win the price due to their speed and closest amount of money spent.
After the Contest, most of the participants went to the shops and exchanged the items they grabbed earlier during the “Rush” contest for something they needed more.
lim peh was having legs sore after the Contest but lim peh was happy~~
Thanks to Jia Hao and Jonathan for making the completion of the Contest possible, without the 2 of them, lim peh would most probably could not have made it on time.
See some photographs

lim peh kong wan liao