lim peh ka li kong
Just as lim peh thought the imposter's issue had cooled down,
I know who the imposter is and because I 凸 him in one of my previous post, he started to go around leaving bo-liao comments in others' blogs, mainly to those bloggers whose blogs are linked by me.
What did the imposter write?
Let me show you some:
He left comment in
Bear's blog:
Old Beng 提到...
19/1/10 12:03 上午
新怡's blog:
Old Beng说...
令伯卡你讲, sayang,sayang。真是我见犹怜!令人忍不住要凸一凸那个害你车祸的家伙。
18/1/10 23:48
Fish's blog:
Old Beng said...
Blue Moon's blog:
Old Beng said...
令伯卡你讲,lim peh 已经好久好久没有跑步了。跑步多累呀!我凸!还是躺在沙发上凸凸,比较适合令伯。
Tue Jan 19, 12:32:00 AM 2010
CarCar's blog:
oldbeng said...
令伯卡你讲, carcar, 你这篇文章忿言怒语、埋天怨地,啥事都看不过眼,啥人都要屌一屌。。。
January 19, 2010 12:26 AM
Dandan's blog:
Old Beng said...
令伯卡你讲, your this dream house is very the beautiful! Wah, I see already very the 凸! How come some man so lucky, can get such a pretty wife like you and soon moving to such a pretty home like the photo. 唉,相逢恨晚!天意弄人!凸!凸!凸!If only Lim Peh is born 20 years earlier. Wah, talk like that online, quite shiok leh!
12:17 AM, January 19, 2010
Maomie's blog:
Old Beng said...
令伯卡你讲, your this post no scolding, no blaming, just eating, is very a good post. I read already want to 凸 -- not 凸 you lah, but 凸the food. If I don't 凸, I still can be called Old Beng meh? Wah, talk like that online, quite shiok leh!
18 January, 2010
Shingo T's blog:
Old Beng said...
令伯卡你讲, your this blog talk too much, but too litle meat! The whole post can be summarised easily by what you wrote in bold! Why talk so long winded when you can shorten it? I read already want to 凸. If I don't 凸, I still can be called Old Beng meh? Wah, talk like that online, quite shiok leh!
12:12 AM
NoEyeSee's blog:
Old Beng said...
令伯卡你讲, your every post is nothing but picture after picture, I read already want to 凸. If I don't 凸, I still can be called Old Beng meh? Wah, talk like that online, quite shiok leh!
And 凸, don't call me uncle beng again, it makes my goose-pimples all come out. 凸! Go find another fatherly figure somewhere else, 凸!
11:39 PM
How? Bo-liao right?
Singablogger aka
无名小卒 aka
狂人李白 aka many more nicknames, I know you are very lonely in USA but
需要这样做吗? (I removed the name cos it's my mistake for doing so, blog's world shouldn't get involved with personal lives)
有事冲着我来,不需要冒充令伯的名去他处留这些无聊的 comments。
Side note: After all the commotion, he managed to leave comments at other blogs using my avatar. Smart boy he is, but there's still a difference if you were to look at it carefully (the date joined).
His date joined is January 2010

Mine is September 2005
Enough said.
lim peh kong wan liao