lim peh ka li kong 令伯卡你讲

Skill and style of telling stories is as per what you see - Singlish plus Hokkien dialects. Kam siah for coming into my BLOG and read, thank you! All content is copywrite "Old Beng" unless otherwise noted.

Monday, May 31, 2010

Nice Words

lim peh ka li kong

A friend of mine emailed lim peh the followings:


When you were born, you were crying

And everyone around you was smiling.

Live your life so that when you die,

You're the one who is smiling

And everyone around you is crying.


We never get what we want

We never want what we get

We never have what we like

We never like what we have

And still we live & love.

That's life...


lim peh kong wan liao
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Tuesday, May 25, 2010



那一天下午,在新加坡的 “猪笼Point”,新马两派的人马约好在三点钟会面。

新怡晴女可零敏炜书奕189少俊以及当林( 排名不分先后)。而我们这边就只有一位令伯老安哥。







当林的出现让每个人都惊觉他变年青了 (当时的他就坐在我身旁,明白吗?)

现场见到的脸都是一样的。(我的意思是和Facebook 里的照片是一模一样的。)


“在Facebook里有着太多丑陋的东西。” (惨!她一定是看到令伯那没粉刷的脸庞。)


189 : 温文尔雅。
书奕 : 满脸微笑。
当林 : 看起来越来越年轻。(因为我的功劳,请我吃饭?)
少俊 : 令伯西北羡慕的俊少。
新怡 : 放下现状、追逐未知。怎一个勇字了得?
晴女 : 平易近人、美丽大方的为人师表。
可零 : “佘” 似一般阳光似的笑容。
敏炜 : 腼腆、请纯的小女生。


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Monday, May 24, 2010

Interesting Picture Captured (9) - Pillion Rider

lim peh ka li kong

I have written on the topic of motorbiker having a small child as the pillion on the road.

Knn, lim peh saw another one again.

The helmet was definitely too big for the small boy and what's worse, the boy began to doze off.

Before lim peh could warn the father (I presume he's the father of the little boy), he sped off very quickly when the traffic light turned green.

lim peh kong wan liao
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Tuesday, May 18, 2010

背影 (一)



父亲 不灭的 背影
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Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Bali Trip

lim peh ka li kong

We went to Bali, Indonesia for a short getaway in March this year. I think this time was our 4th time there and there are some changes since the last time we visited Bali.

We stayed in a hotel in Ubud area via Internet booking and for the kind of price, it is worth staying there.

When we first stepped into the Hotel compound, we saw lots of trees and plants.

The very Balinese designs around the Hotel premise.

The swimming pool of the Hotel but we did not have a chance to swim.

When we were led to our room, the exterior deco of the hotel room door really stunned lim peh as it looked so old.

Look at the door, no key-hole, no magnetic door card, just 2 ring handles. So how to lock the door when we leave the hotel to go jalan jalan?

Dang dang!! A lock!! Nice boh?

Lim peh was wondering how to lock the bedroom door from inside and this is what the interior of the door looked like.

Cannot see? Ok an enlarge photo.

Everybody who visited Bali will definitely look for the roast pork rice at "Ibu Oka". A plate of roast pork rice with a bottle of Teh-botoh.

The first night in our hotel room, both of us did not have a good night sleep cos the main road was just behind our bedroom and motorbikes were heard throughout the night.

We requested for a change of bedroom away from the main road and was given another nicer room.

The pathway to our new bedroom - a newer room with a normal door lock.

There's a mosquito net hanging over our bed but we did not let the net down when we slept.

The bathroom had quite a green sight - we can bathe and see flowers at the same time.

During our stay in the hotel, my cha-bo-lang enrolled herself in the cooking class - Balinese food and these 4 dishes were cooked by her - Satay, Rice, Otah and curry.

The food nice or not? Of course nice la, lim peh finished everything hor. Don't play play, say the wrong thing sure finish one.

Although lim peh did not enrol for the cooking class with my cha-bo-lang, we did enrol in the making of the baskets for their "Canang Sari" offerings - the used of a coconut palm leaf.

See the 10 leaf baskets? lim peh and cha-bo-lang made one although not very professionally made, still not too bad la.

We made another type - the long ones.

After the Carang baskets were done, colourful flowers were placed in them as offerings.

Bali is famous for its Rice Padi field and we engaged a tour-guide to take us for an early morning stroll.

A lovely sight at 6.10 a.m. in the morning with the mountain in the distance.

While trekking through the Padi field, our guide gave us an indepth accounts of the history and Padi life in Bali.

When we headed back to our hotel after the Padi field walk, we saw 4 colourful chicken.

In Bali, there are more dogs than Cats and along the way, we saw quite a few dogs. (Just to share a secret with you, lim peh is like Doctor Dolittle, I can read and understand what dogs are thinking).

A Black and White dog having his thoughts when lim peh snapped a picture.

A brown dog looking at me with weird thoughts.

A beautiful and smart dog.

The beautiful and smart dog called his friend to look at the handsome camera-man.

His friend in turn called his buddy to join in to see the camera man.

lim peh just love dogs when they speak their minds :)
.../ To be continued at Bali Trip part 2

lim peh kong wan part 1 liao
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Thursday, May 06, 2010

Tok Kong Translation

lim peh ka li kong

lim peh recently came across a few interesting Blogs from Malaysia and sometimes the articles written had some Malay words which lim peh don't understand at all.

Due to my kpo-ness nice character to understand Malay Language, lim peh went to some Translation site to search for the meaning.

I was very curious as I know the word "I" can be written in a few different ways in the Malay Language so one fine day, lim peh eng eng bo sai pang, went to search for translation of "I" and was darn surprised to see the following: click to enlarge.

Apa ini? Really tok kong lor.

lim peh kong wan liao
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Monday, May 03, 2010

Height Measurement Poster

lim peh ka li kong

lim peh was at a clinic the other evening and saw a poster on the wall for the measurement of the heights of the minor patients.
There are some cartoons drawn on the posters mentioning 4 common viral diseases - measles, mumps, rubella and chickenpox.

Is it me or the last cartoon looks like a condom?!?

lim peh kong wan liao
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